
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Nan Desu Kan is Coming!

Every year I get to this point (one month from Nan Desu Kan today) and realize I am totally unprepared.  This year is no different, except perhaps, that between my last few distasteful bouts with cosplay and my really crazy life lately I have had even less motivation to get started.  I have yet to finish a single piece for NDK’s cosplay contest, which is normal, but I still have piles of uncut fabric everywhere, which is not.  Lol.  The plan is to make a new cosplay piece for my daughter and myself, then if there’s still more time, I’ll work on a second piece for myself and one for my son.  The one he wants will be complicated, especially since he’s not very gracious about having to stand still for me to pin and fit costumes to anymore.  Lol.  

I am also still busy making new jewelry items for my table at NDK’s Artist’s Alley.  I have just purchased supplies to make two new kinds of items I have never had at my table.  We’ll have to see how they work out, but I am super excited about them.  I figure if no one likes them, I get more to myself, but I honestly don’t think that will be the case.  I imagine I’ll have to pick out my favorites and hold them aside for myself if I want them.  He he.  This year I will be bringing a lot more hats (they sold out super early last year), new types of earrings and necklaces, and plenty of similar stuff to my stock last year.  I’d like to say I’ll have more up on my Etsy page, but I honestly hate adding new listings.  It takes me hours to get one listing up.  All of the required info, pictures, exacting dimensions, etc. is so time consuming.  I need to set aside a couple of days and just get it done, but I haven’t found time as of yet.  :(  Either way, I will have a bunch of new stock at NDK and there are always a few items on the Etsy page.  

My husband and I have also been asked to show our WCS skit from last year’s competition at the cosplay contest intermission this year as a teaser to what kinds of things you’ll see at the WCS event this year.  Unfortunately, my husband and I won’t be competing for the WCS this year.  Between some health issues, financial difficulties, and a lot of life obstacles, we just didn’t feel we had it in us to compete this year.  I will miss the camaraderie back stage, but am so glad to have had the opportunity last year.  What an experience that was; good and bad, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.  I do sincerely wish all of the teams the best of luck this year and hope they take away all of the best things from the competition!

We are also hoping my husband will get to be press at NDK again this year, though we haven’t heard back yet.  He always records the cosplay events and we post them in high quality to our You Tube page.  I also enjoy adding all of the photos we manage to get to the blog.  What a great way to not only share this wonderful passion with others, but we also enjoy supporting this specific convention.  I will let you all know as soon as we do if we’ll be there as press again!  Keep your fingers crossed.  ^__^

There’s so much to do in the month we have left!  Yikes!!!  I should get to it.  I’m planning on working on my competition pieces the rest of the week (in between everything else that is) so hopefully I’ll have some progress photos soon.  For now, I’ll give you a hint.  The first costume has a cage skirt (the only thing really anywhere near done) and will have a matching animal costume.  Not enough of a hint?  Check back soon for more.  ^__^  I can’t make it too easy.  Lol. 

As always, Happy Sewing!  Hopefully I’ll see you at the con!

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