
Monday, August 19, 2013

Fabric Bouquet – How To

Looking for a new way to envision a bouquet?  Maybe one that won’t wilt or fade over the years?  Well, look no further.  My fabric bouquet is a great fix for an inexpensive, long lasting way to include your own creativity and display a uniqueness all your own.  All you need is fabric (Read on for how much), hot glue, fabric hot glue, wire or dowels for stems, thread, feathers or other embellishments (optional), two colors of ribbon (second color is optional), needle, sewing pins, scissors, wire cutters, a rubber band, pencil, and paper for your stencils.

I started out with three colors of tulle and matching chiffon.  In my case, they were sage, white, and champagne.  I started with about a yard of each (so 6 yards total).  I began by drawing a stencil on paper of the flower I wanted to use.  Once I had made the stencil, I cut it out, traced a few more, and cut those out as well so I would have multiple stencils.  Then I decided to make a smaller flower of the same shape so I followed the same steps making my stencil smaller.  Once I had my stencils cut out, I folded my fabric, a yard at a time, until it was only slightly larger than my stencil.  I placed my stencils along the folded fabric, pinned, and cut out the shapes.  Be careful when you do this.  Depending on your scissors, you may not be able to cut through all of that folded fabric.  

Once I had all of the tulle and chiffon for one color cut, I began layering them together.  I simply took a couple of layers of tulle flowers and laid them atop one another altering the direction they laid.  Then I added a couple of layers of chiffon on top of those in the same manner.  I continued in this manner, building up my flowers, until they looked thick enough.  In my case, each flower took about 2 cut stacks of each the tulle and chiffon.

After layering them together, it was time to get out the needle and thread.  I chose a thread color that matched my fabric, but you could also choose one that contrasts for a more noticeable center.  I began by stitching all the way from the center back through to the center front and back to the back again.  Once I had the petals all generally attached, I began to give the flower more shape.  I did this by scrunching a few layers together at a time and stitching through the folds I was holding to keep the scrunched shape.  Then I would scrunch a few more folds and repeat the process.  I did this until I reached the front of the flower.  Then I stitched to the back again to make sure the petals were all very secure.  After a strong knot, I was done with this part.

Once I had finished a few flowers of each color and shape in the same manner, it was time to add stems.  I used both extra silk flower stems I had laying around from another project and a few small dowels.  To add the stem, I just used fabric hot glue and added a dollop to the base of the back of each flower and secured the dowel there until the glue dried (the best part of hot glue – that doesn’t take too long).  After the dowels had all dried, I added a ring of hot glue around the dowel again at the base of the flower just to make sure they were truly secure, but you wouldn’t necessarily have to do this.  Here’s a tip, if you do use silk flower stems (or anything with wire), run a bead of hot glue over the end of the stem that will not be attached to the flower.  This seals the sharp wire so you won’t snag it on anything (including you).

Personally, I wanted to add matching feather bunches.  I found these pre bunched at the local craft store (Joann Fabrics).  This step is, of course, completely optional.  Regardless of if you add the feathers (or anything else), your next step will be the same; assembling the bouquet.  To do this I simply began holding the flowers together at the desired height in relation to each other.  It took a lot of playing with all of the flowers (in fact, I even decided I didn’t want to use all of the flowers I had made) before I finally arranged the bouquet the way I wanted it.  Once I had it held together I wrapped it with a rubber band where my hand was.  Be careful – when you let go things might shift and you may have to make more adjustments!  
Now you get to add more hot glue (non-fabric, regular hot glue this time).  Start carefully gluing the pieces in place stem to stem.  I chose to do this a little further down the stems where they were all roughly touching.  I also used an ample amount of glue for this step.  I really wanted to make sure I could put this bouquet through the ringer and not have to wonder how it would end up looking.  Once I had glued the stems together I removed the rubber band.  Now I just needed to cut the stems off to roughly the same length.  Wire cutters did the trick.

The next step was to cover the mess from the glue and hodge podge of stems with ribbon.  I started by gluing the end of one ribbon up to the base of some of the flowers tucked in between a few stems.  Then I began wrapping it tightly around the stems toward the bottom, adding dabs of hot glue along the stems in a few places as I went to help secure the ribbon and keep it from slipping.  Once I had tightly wrapped the stems in their entirety, I folded the ribbon over the bottom and glued it in place.  Now the stems were completely covered.

You could finish there, but I wanted to add more detail to the ribbon.  I added a second piece of ribbon to the look by cutting a much longer ribbon, finding the center, and gluing that to the back of the bouquet as close to the petals as I could.  I then began wrapping this around the bouquet.  First both ends to the front, then I crossed them over each other, wrapped them to the back, crossed, and repeated this process down the entire stem set.  Once I was at the bottom I tied a knot and secured it to the other ribbon with more hot glue (yeah – hot glue for the win.  Lol) I then left the two ends trailing away from the bouquet.  To finish the ends of the ribbon, I just melted them with a lighter.  Be careful when doing this as melted nylon can stick to anything (including human flesh – ouch) and only use synthetics with this method.  Natural fibers won’t melt, they just burn.  :(

And there you have it!  A perfectly beautiful bridal bouquet (or any other bouquet) complete with your own colors, petal design, and style in just an afternoon.  I have included pictures so you might have an easier time understanding these directions, but as always, if you have any questions please let me know.  ^_^

Enjoy your bouquet and Happy Crafting!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Nan Desu Kan is Coming!

Every year I get to this point (one month from Nan Desu Kan today) and realize I am totally unprepared.  This year is no different, except perhaps, that between my last few distasteful bouts with cosplay and my really crazy life lately I have had even less motivation to get started.  I have yet to finish a single piece for NDK’s cosplay contest, which is normal, but I still have piles of uncut fabric everywhere, which is not.  Lol.  The plan is to make a new cosplay piece for my daughter and myself, then if there’s still more time, I’ll work on a second piece for myself and one for my son.  The one he wants will be complicated, especially since he’s not very gracious about having to stand still for me to pin and fit costumes to anymore.  Lol.  

I am also still busy making new jewelry items for my table at NDK’s Artist’s Alley.  I have just purchased supplies to make two new kinds of items I have never had at my table.  We’ll have to see how they work out, but I am super excited about them.  I figure if no one likes them, I get more to myself, but I honestly don’t think that will be the case.  I imagine I’ll have to pick out my favorites and hold them aside for myself if I want them.  He he.  This year I will be bringing a lot more hats (they sold out super early last year), new types of earrings and necklaces, and plenty of similar stuff to my stock last year.  I’d like to say I’ll have more up on my Etsy page, but I honestly hate adding new listings.  It takes me hours to get one listing up.  All of the required info, pictures, exacting dimensions, etc. is so time consuming.  I need to set aside a couple of days and just get it done, but I haven’t found time as of yet.  :(  Either way, I will have a bunch of new stock at NDK and there are always a few items on the Etsy page.  

My husband and I have also been asked to show our WCS skit from last year’s competition at the cosplay contest intermission this year as a teaser to what kinds of things you’ll see at the WCS event this year.  Unfortunately, my husband and I won’t be competing for the WCS this year.  Between some health issues, financial difficulties, and a lot of life obstacles, we just didn’t feel we had it in us to compete this year.  I will miss the camaraderie back stage, but am so glad to have had the opportunity last year.  What an experience that was; good and bad, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.  I do sincerely wish all of the teams the best of luck this year and hope they take away all of the best things from the competition!

We are also hoping my husband will get to be press at NDK again this year, though we haven’t heard back yet.  He always records the cosplay events and we post them in high quality to our You Tube page.  I also enjoy adding all of the photos we manage to get to the blog.  What a great way to not only share this wonderful passion with others, but we also enjoy supporting this specific convention.  I will let you all know as soon as we do if we’ll be there as press again!  Keep your fingers crossed.  ^__^

There’s so much to do in the month we have left!  Yikes!!!  I should get to it.  I’m planning on working on my competition pieces the rest of the week (in between everything else that is) so hopefully I’ll have some progress photos soon.  For now, I’ll give you a hint.  The first costume has a cage skirt (the only thing really anywhere near done) and will have a matching animal costume.  Not enough of a hint?  Check back soon for more.  ^__^  I can’t make it too easy.  Lol. 

As always, Happy Sewing!  Hopefully I’ll see you at the con!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Finding Time to Post

Welcome officially to my new craft and sewing blog.  Here you will find all sorts of activities that fill my days with creativity.  I hope some will inspire you, help you, or just plain give you entertainment.  As we get started here, I can tell you that despite my best efforts at blogging regularly, it never happens.  Life always manages to interfere.  But I will always do my best to keep things fresh, maintain a level of professionalism and a balance of fun, and be here if you have any thoughts, questions, or ideas. 

I think it’s important for you, my readers, to know a bit about me.  So . . . Hi, I’m Shannon (aka Shani Hime).  This past summer marked my husband and my 10th wedding anniversary and I can say I’m very happily married.  We had a wedding vow renewal ceremony for our anniversary and it was beautiful (so you’ll see a lot of wedding crafts at first ^__^).  I have two great kids; my son, he just turned 13, and my daughter, she’s 7.  They are always a handful, but boy are they inspiring!  My son enjoys my crafting habit, but he’s too cool to hang with us girls and craft (well, most of the time ^__<).  My daughter, on the other hand, has developed quite a crafty streak.  You’ll see her in pictures regularly, and if you catch a glimpse of the elusive teenager, well, count yourself lucky.  Lol.

My favorite things to do besides crafting and sewing are reading, singing, dancing, cosplaying, running my table-top rpg, and dealing with my family’s crazy, hectic life.  And what a life it is.  My husband started his new job today, my daughter starts school this Thursday, my son starts on Friday, and I start the following Monday.  Yikes!  Oh yes, I am in college.  I’m starting my 5th year of my 2 year degree, lol.  I only take half a course load at a time, summers off with my kids, and have thus far managed straight A’s so it’s not as bad as all that, but I have a lot left to get through.  

I also compete with my costumes at some of the local conventions and sell my hand made jewelry and hats at these conventions and on Etsy.  In fact one of these conventions is coming up soon.  Nan Desu Kan, an anime convention held in Denver every year, runs in mid-September and I am hoping to compete with my daughter (a first for us).  There will be more blog posts about this on my original blog page.  It’s a lot of work, but a lot of fun and this time of year, it takes up a lot of blog time.  ^__^

Well, that’s me in a nut shell.  I am fortunate to fill my life with so much creativity and to get to share all of that with you.  Please let me know if you have any comments or questions and I will try to get things answered.  I am really excited about this blog getting off the ground and hope you enjoy it as much as I do!